Common Issues Encountered During the Operation of a Pick-and-Place Machine

The normal working process of a pick-and-place machine is as follows: The suction nozzles on the placement head pick up surface-mount components from the feeder, and then the optical system of the placement head scans or photographs the surface-mount components. The computer compares the information of the surface-mount components with the information in the component library. If the information matches, the placement head uses the suction nozzles to blow the surface-mount components onto the specified positions of the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) that has been coated with solder paste. If an error occurs during the information comparison process, the placement head will blow the surface-mount components into the scrap bin instead of onto the PCB. At this point, the pick-and-place machine will sound an alarm and stop, indicating a "N pick-and-place machine rejects components" event.

Since the feeder's design is for continuous supply, once the placement head picks up a component, it is removed from the packaging and cannot be recovered. Therefore, component rejection not only wastes the surface-mount components but also significantly reduces production efficiency.